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A nurturing salve to soothe and nurture our body and spirit during our sacred moon time. 


This salve carries plant medicines gathered from this land that have a powerful affinity with healing and nurturing our womb space.


The plant allies within this salve have been used since ancient times to nurturing the womb, and specifically they have a deeply healing connection with blood.


For example, the sacred herb of yarrow assists in allowing your flow of blood to come down if it is late, and this is the magical properties and medicines of plants, yarrow also assists in regulating the flow of blood. If it is too heavy, yarrow lessens the flow.


This balm is very thick and rich, a little goes a long way.


You may use this following your own body’s needs and desires.


You may use it to massage your womb space before, during and after your blood arrives.


May you feel deeply nourished and held during this sacred portal of your bleed.


Ingredients: Cleavers, comfrey, hawthorn blossoms, wild geranium, rose petals and hips, yarrow, pure organic olive oil, organic shea butter, pure irish beeswax, essential oils of clary sage, rosemary, peppermint, sweet orange, rose.

Sacred Moon Womb Nurturing Salve

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