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Return to Wholeness Retreat

A deeply nourishing day centred on the ancient knowing of wholeness, nourishment, divine love and gentleness.


A sacred space created to re-connect, deepen and savour the sacredness, love, and medicine that you are.


A space created to allow every aspect of your  divine wholeness to return and be expressed.


A circle to call in, return to and infuse each thread of your sacred being back to your self.



Our prayer and intention for this retreat

Our intention of this retreat and sacred circle is to create a deeply loving space for you to unwind, clear, release and relax into your wholeness.


Relaxing and savouring the deeply nurturing vibration of your sacred being in in her fullest wholesome, nourished form in a deeply loving and gentle space.


Come and enter this portal with us, where we reconnect back to our sacred wholeness and bathe in this nurturing sacred vibration.


How deeply could things shift in our world, if every person allowed sacred space for the remembrance and unfolding of their unique divine medicine and presence they came to this Earth with?

In this retreat, you will be nourished with:

Native Plant Ceremony with Máire


Native Plant Journey with deeply loving healing herbs of this land.


We will connect in with some of the most wise and loving herbs of this land.


We will remember and re-connect with our innate knowing and communication with the unseen through deeply love and gentleness.


The herbs of this land carry deeply potent medicine, yet are shared through such gentleness, kindness and love.


This sacred plant journey, will allow us to fully land into our bodies and welcome in our soul and spirit to fully join us and be bathed in this divine frequency for the circle.


You can find Máire on instagram @herbsofeire


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Pastries and Cheese

Nourishing Nibbles

You will be nourished with delicious foods and herbal goodies throughout the day.


For our special gathering, we have beautiful local business - Graze & Brie Happy sharing some nourishing nibbles to keep us happy and fulfilled throughout the day!


Tending to our bodies and receiving physical nourishment is how we integrate and weave with the 'unseen' wisdom.


Here, we invite you to tend to your physical desires and needs with equal love and care as you would tend to your spirit, emotional and mental bodies.


We will also have deeply replenishing herbal body oils and mineral mists for you to use throughout the retreat. 


A wholesome day to nourish our being on all levels.


An invitation for us to receive deep blessings and care on all levels.

Healing Intuitive Movement with Siobhán

As we journey with the plants and receive information, guidances and remembrances from the unseen realm, it is so healing to shift and move this energy from the 'unseen' to the 'seen' or manifest.


Through healing intuitive movement, we can ask for further clarity on how information from the unseen desires to be created by you in physical form.


Intentional movement helps us re-organise, understand and comprehend information from the 'unseen'.


It allows your knowing to be clarified.


The movement of energy is so deeply nourishing.


This is a space where we nourish all levels of our being, and place deep reverence and respect for all aspects of our being - mind, body and spirit.


Here is where we interweave information from spirit into our mind and body.


You can find Siobhán on instagram @siobhandumigan


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Chakra Clearing Sound Bath with Yentl

As we move through and integrate deep magic from the day, Yentl will deeply nourish our being with the healing vibrations and frequencies of sacred sound.


As we approach the closing of our circle, we also ask that all beauty and sacred information we have retrieved is deeply rooted in our beings, and all that does not serve is released.


This sacred sound bath will bring us into the completion of this circle.


Like a deeply healing balm to nurture the portal we have opened, an hour of deep stillness to go within and any distillation of information to be processed at a deeply relaxed state.


You can find Yentl on instagram @soul.on.healing


Return to Wholeness Retreat

Date: 21st July 2024

Time: 12noon - 5pm

Location: Kennedy Glasgow House, Ballina, Co. Mayo

Exchange: € 150

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Herbs of Éire

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